Fashion Courses

Diploma Courses
The courses have a duration of 1 to 2 years. They are aimed primarily at those who are confronted with the fashion world for the first time and require extensive training, who knows how to convey all the necessary skills required by the labor market.
The learning paths therefore reflect the need for a highly professional education, where the acquisition of practical skills becomes one of the primary goals and is made possible thanks to several workshops.

Master Courses
Master have a duration ranging from 3 to 10 months. The multiple programs in this category offer the possibility of a thorough and complete specialization in the major areas of fashion: from women’s wear to the children’s wear, from shoes to accessories, from bridal gowns to swimwear.
These courses take into account the needs of all those who wish to dedicate themselves to a specific branch of fashion, or who wish to gain further knowledge and improve the skills already achieved. Not special skills are required to access these programs, except for courses in women’s wear, men’s wear and children’s wear.

Short Courses
The short courses have a duration ranging from 3 weeks to 2 months. The thematic areas contained in these courses mainly correspond to those of the masters, but here are synthesized to allow those already working in fashion to get updates available as quickly as possible. This means that students will not be able to study all the listed subjects, but those most important according to student's aims and teacher's suggestions.
The student is also given the opportunity to combine several modules of 90 hours on the same subject, until reaching a total number of hours that allows him to access the final exam, as provided for masters.